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Call of Duty: Black Ops 1 Makes Me [sic]

With the latest Call of Duty being once again called Black Ops (number 6 this time), I’d like to take a step back and look at one of the best CoDs of all time, CoD: Black Ops 1 (or just Black Ops).

Taking place mostly in 1961 and in between 1961 and 1973, how correct is its gun list? In this list, we only use the singleplayer guns and only guns that the player can use. Big shoutout to IMFDB and TVTropes for the info, I just made a better compile of it.
Weapons from the flashback missions are excluded because they would be obviously correct.

Pistols (5, 3 ✔️, 2❌)

ASP (1970) ❌
The pistol was a custom one based on the Smith & Wesson 39, released in the 1970s, meaning that its inclusion here is anachronistic.
Time appropriate choices would be either the actual Smith & Wesson Model 39 (1954) or the Walther PPK (1931).

Colt M1911 (1911) ✔️
John Browning’s greatest achievement (seriously that guy was incredible), the M1911 is time appropriate but it has an anachronistic Series 80 frame, which I doubt anyone without a keen eye would notice.

Colt Python (1955) ✔️
One of the coolest revolvers out there, it stands out as being correct for the time periods in the game. Good job, Treyarch!

CZ 75 (1975, 1992) ❌
But immediately we hit one of the worst examples in the list. The CZ 75 was made in 1975, as the name implies, making it highly anachronistic. Even worse is that it has a CZ 75B slide and an automatic variant, CZ 75 Automatic, both weren’t introduced until 1992.
Time appropriate choices would be the Stechkin APS (1951), the CZ 52 (1952), the Beretta M1951 (1951) or the Beretta M1951 Raffica (1955).

Makarov PM (1951) ✔️
This weird looking russian pistol is small but otherwise correct for the time periods, minus the rear sights, but who’s counting, right?

SubMachine Guns (7, 3✔️, 4❌)

Heckler & Koch MP5K (1976) ❌
One of the most famous SMGs out there, the MP5K (K means Kurz or ‘short’) in this game is, as you guessed it, anachronistic. The HK54 prototype of the MP5 was developed in 1964, the MP5 did not enter service until 1966. And the first MP5K variant was not developed until 1976.
Time appropriate choices would be the full-length HK54 (1964) or the Walther MPK (1963).

IMI Uzi (1950) ✔️
Very famous SMG like the MP5 but unlike the previous example, it’s correct for the time periods.

Ingram MAC-11 (1972) ❌
Another famous SMG but this time, Treyarch picked the wrong one, making it anachronistic, since it was not developed until 1972.
Time appropriate choices would be the MAC-10 (1964).

OTs-02 Kiparis (1976) ❌
A weird looking gun that is also very anachronistic, designed in 1976 but didn’t go into production until 1991.
Time appropriate choices would be the Kalashnikov SMG (1947) or the TKB-486 (1955).

PM-63 RAK (1963) ✔️
Another weird looking SMG, but this time, it’s both correct and incorrect. This gun was introduced in 1963, which is correct (it’s also found in a level set in 1963), but the slide has markings of ‘1972’ on it, which makes it incorrect… I’ll consider it correct for the time because everything else about it is correct though. Just ignore the slide.

Sa vz. 61 Skorpion (1961) ✔️
Found in a level set in 1961, mostly accurate, since it was mass produced in 1963. Call it a prototype or something I guess?

SITES Spectre M4 (1981) ❌
Highly anachronistic, not developed until the 1980s. Time appropriate choices would be the Franchi LF-57 (1956) or the Beretta Model 12 (1959).

Assault and Battle Rifles (12, 5 ✔️, 7❌)

‘AK47’ (certainly not 1947!) ❌
A mess. Main receiver from AKS-74 (anachronistic), AKM front sight and gas block, Type 2 AK-47 wooden stock, Type 3 AK-47 receiver-mounted rear sling loop, handguard and grip from ATI GSG AK47 .22LR.
Time appropriate choices would be the regular AKM (1959).

AKS-74U ❌
Highly anachronistic, not developed until 1979.
Time appropriate choices would be the AMD-65 carbine (1965).

Colt USAF M16 (1959) ✔️
Correct for the time periods… I mean, it was the Vietnam years.

Colt “Commando” (1967) ✔️
Actually a GAU-5A/A with a flat-topped receiver, this setup would be anachronistic, but I’ll let it slide because someone might have asked for a flat-topped receiver.

Enfield XL60 (1976) ❌
Anachronistic, introduced in 1976.
Time appropriate choices would be the Enfield EM-2 Mamba (1951).

FAMAS Valorisé (1978, ~2000) ❌
THE worst offender, incredibly anachronistic, base weapon made in 1978, Valorisé variant was developed in early 2000s. Time appropriate choices would be the FA-MAS 54B Bullpup config (1954).

FN FAL(1953) ✔️
Correct for the time periods. Nothing more to say.

H&K G11 K2 (1989) ❌
Highly anachronistic, not developed until the late 1980s, K2 was made in 1989.
Time appropriate choices would be the Project SALVO (1951) prototypes or the bullpup SPIW (Special Purpose Individual Weapon) from Project NIBLICK (1960s).

IMI Galil ARM(1972) ❌
Anachronistic, not developed until the late 1960s, and did not enter service until 1972. Time appropriate choices would be the AR-18 (1962) or the Rk 62 (1962).

M14 (1959)✔️
Correct for the time periods, although it comes with a M14E2 pistol grip (that looks really weird).

Steyr AUG A1 (1977), A2 (1997) ❌
Anachronistic, not patented until 1974, not military service until 1977, MP variant, the A2, was not developed until 1997. Time appropriate choices would be the H&K G3 (1958), H&K HK33 (1968), or the prototype Model 45A (1945).

Stoner 63A (1963) ✔️
Correct for the time periods.

Shotguns (4, 4 ❌)

“Olympia” (A mess) ❌
Actually a Beretta 682, anachronistic. Rottweil Olympia was introduced in 1972, Beretta 682 was not invented until 1985. Time appropriate choices would be the Browning O/U (1931) or a TOZ-34 (1964).

Franchi SPAS-12 (1979) ❌
Anachronistic, first entered production in 1979, but it does look timeless, doesn’t it? Time appropriate choices would be the Franchi AL-48 model (1948), Remington Model 1100 (1963), MTs 21 (1956) or IZh-20 (1964).

Ithaca 37 “Stakeout” (1981) ❌
While the base model was first introduced in 1937, the Stakeout is anachronistic as it was not produced until 1981. Time appropriate choices would be the Ithaca 37 “Trench Gun” S-prefix variant (1962).

KS-23 (1981) ❌
Anachronistic, was not designed until the 1970s, and first guns weren’t produced until the 1981. Time appropriate choices would be the Remington Model 870 (1950) or IZh-20 (1964).

Machine Guns (3, 1✔️, 2❌)

H&K HK21 (1961), HK21E (1980s) ✔️
A hybrid of the HK21E, which makes it anachronistic, but I doubt anyone would notice it, like with the M1911.

“M60” (1960s) ❌
Actually a M60E3, making it anachronistic, because the E3 was not introduced until 1986. Time appropriate choices would be the regular M60.

“RPK” (A mess) ❌
Another mess. Receiver and folding stock from a Saiga rifle, RPK-74M handguard and synthetic stock (1974), barrel base from a Zastava M72 (1973), all three are anachronistic. Time appropriate choices would be the original RPK.

Sniper Rifles (4, 1✔️ , 3❌)

Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum (1982) ❌
Highly anachronistic, AWM entered British Military service in 1998, and the entire Arctic Warfare family of rifles wasn’t developed until 1982. Time appropriate choices would be the L42A1 (1970), M40 sniper rifle (1966) or Winchester Model 70 (1964).

H&K PSG-1 (1970s) ❌
Anachronistic, not developed until the 1970s. Time appropriate choices would be the MAS FR F1 precision rifle (1966) or G3A3 ZF1 (1959).

SVD Dragunov (1963) ✔️
A hybrid of the Dragunov and the game’s terrible AK receiver, it is correct for the time periods.

Walther WA 2000 (1982) ❌
Anachronistic, was not manufactured until 1982. Time appropriate choices would be the M40 sniper rifle (1966), Winchester Model 70 (1964), Remington 700 (1963) or older M1 Garand M1D and MC52 variants.

Launchers (5, 4✔️, 1❌)

China Lake Grenade Launcher (1968) ✔️
Correct for the time periods.

M72 LAW (1963) ✔️
Correct for the time periods.

“Grim Reaper” (1960s) ✔️
Actually a M202A1 FLASH, anachronistic, as it wasn’t designed until the late 1960s… But I’m willing to confirm this one, because it was used in late 1960s and then on the 1970s, so call it a prototype.

RPG-7 (1967) ✔️
Used in 1967, so correct for the time periods.

SA-14 Gremlin (1974) ❌
Anachronistic, introduced in 1974.

End result

🔫: 40 weapons
✔️: 17
❌: 23


The question is clear. Why have so many incorrect weapons into this game? I can think of a few reasons and also disprove them so bare with me.

Treyarch was incompetent

The first big reason I can think of is Treyarch just not understanding guns, like Valve. Many of the weapons do look cool for the time period but they are out of place completely. The MAS FA-MAS Valorisé being from the 2000s but included in this game is just baffling. However, it seemed that Treyarch isn’t fully incompetent on their research because several of the time appropriate guns do have correct reloads, like the mythical G11 or Stoner 63.

Mason was just hallucinating

A theory I can come up with is that Mason was just hallucinating (which he does in the game anyway), so he might have hallucinated holding guns that didn’t exist. How? Well, I don’t know, he was a military lad, he had seen some shit.

Look! Cool Guns!

Call of Duty jumped the shark and never looked back so having cool guns (like the FAMAS Valorisé) even if they are anachronistic is more than the point here. It just looks cool, and that’s all they cared about.

Accuracy > Coolness

Sure, Treyarch wanted cool guns, but I’d have preferred to have more time appropriate guns because that would much cooler IMHO. Like “Hey, look at this gun that almost no one knows about!” and all that. Ironically, Black Ops Cold War (the 5th Black Ops game) has several prototype weapons that were never made officially, but somehow Treyarch made them, and with proper animations. So… Maybe it was their way to correct that mistake? I don’t know anymore.